Our «WOW” mountain roses have been the stars under the spotlight during last week.
“Red Carpet“ for them at IFTF 2017, the largest trade fair dedicated to operators: growers, horticulturists and international distributors.
From 8th to 10th November in Vijfhuizen, Netherlands, the fair promoted the trade and enhancement of all segments of flower production and distribution chain and our mountain roses have been catching the attention of our partners and customers; so many curious people attracted by the mountain roses composition (like a Mountain) that welcomed everybody at the entrance of our stand at IFTF.
This week a special selection of «WOW” Mountain Roses is being the focus of a special three-days training workshop dedicated to Polish florists in the beautiful Tuscany, held by Tomasz Max Kuczyński and Andrzej Dąbrowski of our partner wsparcieflorystow.pl.
«Wow Mountain rose»® is the real new product of this autumn; from over 25 years of Barile’s history research and development work growing together with our customers, we take care of all their chains and distribute them in their customized sleeves.
A wide selection of high mountain roses! All their characteristics are a plus for your business: 14 days of beauty, long-lasting shelf-life and constant quality of our “Wow Mountain Rose”® is priceless.
The packaging labeled Barile Flowers Service guarantees the freshness of each stem, we aim to supply our customers directly from the growers